Artist, Illustrator, Writer , Activist

Engaging with such topics as labour history, youth subcultures, climate change, and the housing crisis, my work uses diverse creative mediums to raise awareness about pressing contemporary issues.

I am an illustrator, storyteller, musician, and filmmaker with a PhD in English and Cultural Studies from McMaster University. My work uses words and images to make cultural interventions in service of progressive social change. As an award-winning cartoonist, I have authored graphic novels, graphic essays, journalistic works, political cartoons, illustrations, and posters. My scholarly writing has appeared in journals such as Topia and in compilations such as Zombie Theory: A Reader (University of Minnesota Press, 2017).

Working from the recognition that our common humanity is the horizon encircling all art, storytelling, and identity, my work is explicitly community-oriented and informed.

From projects ranging to collaborating with skateboarders, architects, and city officials to renovate Beasley Skateboard Park; to collecting stories from and raising awareness about the historic Brightside Neighbourhood in Hamilton, Ontario; to using comics to explore the cultural dimensions of our reliance on fossil fuels, my work uses art and creativity to deepen our relationships to each other, to history, and to place.